Ingenico iWL250 contact number

The iWL250 terminal is the lightest and smallest on the market.Compact, easy to handle and carry, it ensures top-notch payment convenience for cardholders and merchants alike. iWL250 allows you to keep a full set of payment capabilities, including all types of card readers-smart card, magnetic card, embedded contactless. As the world leader in secure transaction and payment systems, Ingenico has designed this terminal to meet state-of-the-art security standards such as EMV and PCI PTS V2.The iWL250 also boasts the fastest printer ever integrated in a payment device.With its 30 lines per second, it almost halves the printing time and improves efficiency on the spot. PCI and EMV Compliant.

With integrated NFC (near-field communication) reader, this powerful terminal enables you to accept payments from any NFC-enabled mobile devices. It is also fully compatible with Apple Pay and all Apple Pay devices such as iPhone 6, iPhone 6 plus and Apple Watch.

Boasting a wide array of wireless connectivity including GPRS & Bluetooth, the iWL250 delivers faultless 24/7 communications while slashing operational costs. The Telium2 architecture offers a rapid development environment on which to build a compelling portfolio of targeted, new generation services. This can increase your business opportunities and deliver an operational response to challenges in vertical markets including, but not limited to delivery, hospitality and transportation.

You must purchase a iWLGPRS-BASE and encryption for this item (see Related Products below). Consult your processor to find out which encryption type you will need.
Link to the specs:

Dial Back upYES (On Base)
Multi-MerchantYES (iPayment, CardConnect, Omaha)

Sign up for merchant accounts, payment gateways, gift/loyalty cards, merchant cash advance/ loan, check, EBT, Debit and payroll services that we offer through our Online Merchant Application.

Ingenico iWL250 Wi-Fi setup

Ingenico iwl220 Manual reset

Ingenico iwl250 configuration

Ingenico iwl250 Connect to WiFi

Ingenico India Contact number

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