Category: Verifone

Verifone Polska Kontakt

December 20, 2016 – 07:52

Forcom’s goal is to provide the complete IT solutions for the largest retail chains, giving them competitive advantage in the market that they operate in.This advantage is achieved owing not only to the quality...

Verifone VX520 stand

December 20, 2016 – 07:53

Just joining this series of posts? You can catch up on what you missed: Part I – Hardware and Environmental Considerations Part II – Software Changes and the Impact on Merchants In this third of four posts regarding...

VeriFone VX510 hard reset

December 20, 2016 – 07:53

If your credit card terminal is not connecting, check the following: Start by confirming that your phone cord is plugged into the correct port of the terminal and in the splitter or wall jack. Also, trying plugging...

Verifone Omni 3750 Dual comm Manual

December 20, 2016 – 07:53

Below is a glossary of terms common to the merchant services arena. ABA Routing Number: This 9-digit number is assigned by the American Banker’s Association and is used to identify individual banks. When performing...

Verifone VX520 API

December 20, 2016 – 07:53

Manually enter credit card information or use a USB swiper. Unlike other virtual terminals that offer only manual entry, it’s your choice with PayHub. Sales, Refunds, Voids, Auth Only and Offlines PayHub’s virtual...

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