Shopify POS card reader Australia

Hardware headerShopify connects with retail hardware that helps you build your business, both in person and online.

If you're using Shopify POS, start by choosing the hardware you need to accept payments using cash, cards, or both. Then add the retail package to your Shopify plan when you're ready to use specialized retail hardware like barcode scanners, receipt printers, and cash registers.

Choose your Shopify POS hardware

Depending on your business, the kind of retail hardware you'll need might be a bit different:

If you run... Then you might need...
A pop-up shop iPad + card reader
A store iPad + card reader + receipt printer
Multiple stores or a warehouse iPad + card reader + receipt printer + barcode scanner + cash drawer

You can choose a variety of components for your Shopify POS system, depending on:

  • whether you take cash, cards, or both

Where to buy hardware

If you're in Canada, the continental United states, or the United Kingdom, then you can buy hardware from the Shopify Hardware Store:


We do not sell our Complete Kit outside of the continental United States and Canada.

Model number quick reference

To make sure that the hardware you buy is supported by Shopify, you must verify the model numbers on items you buy (unless you're buying from the Shopify Hardware Store in Canada, the continental United States, or the United Kingdom). Model numbers must match those shown in the following table.

Get help with hardware components

In the following table, components shown in brackets are supported only if you've upgraded to the retail package. We're unlikely to be able to help if you have problems using non-supported components.

Re-using your own equipment

You might be able to re-use these components if you already own them:

  • cash drawer (if you're using Shopify POS with retail package)
  • barcode label printer (if you're using Shopify POS with retail package)
  • iPad stand.

Components you can't substitute

EFTPOS down in Australia

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Shopify POS log

Shopify POS on desktop

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