Category: Ingenico

EFTPOS co za

December 20, 2016 – 07:46

Installation of our point of sale (POS) systems and online payment solutions is quick and easy, and is always followed up with excellent after-sales support. We are supported by Absa and Mercantile acquiring banks...

Ingenico iCT250 terminal user Guide

December 20, 2016 – 07:44

A settlement operation is used to close out the current batch of transactions and open a new batch. The closed batch is then submitted to your processor to begin the funding process. Your Ingenico terminal uses...

Ingenico Download utility

December 20, 2016 – 07:44

The iPP 320 meets the latest hardware and software security requirements. PCI PTS 3.x certified, iPP 320 ensures secure data and application management and enable highly secured electronic transactions. It also...

Download Abacre Restaurant Point of sale

December 20, 2016 – 07:45

Content ratings help you understand the type of content you might find in an app or game, so you can decide if they are suitable for you and your family. What do the ratings actually tell me? Content ratings describe...

Ingenico iCT250 Manual PDF

December 20, 2016 – 07:45

The Ingenico iCT250 is a countertop terminal that can process EMV® and contactless payments reliably and securely through one self-contained unit. This enables merchants to accept more types of payments as customers...

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