Turbotax® Technical Support Phone Number-1

We don't have a single, all-purpose phone number. Instead, we have many different numbers, depending on what you need help with.

Follow these instructions to connect with a TurboTax Expert who is specially-trained to handle your unique question or concern. Live help is available M-F from 5:00 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific.

If you're using TurboTax Online:

  1. Click Contact in the upper-right corner of your screen.
  2. Ask your question.
  3. Talk one-on-one with a live TurboTax Expert, CPA, or enrolled agent (requires the PLUS add-on if using Federal Free Edition).

QuickBooks POS Support Phone Number

QuickBooks Online customer support phone number

Verifone technical support number UK

Intuit TurboTax customer support phone number

Intuit GoPayment support phone number

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