Ingenico iwl250 configuration

The terminal must be powered off before replacing a SIM card.

Turning Off the Power

1) Remove the terminal from its charging base.

2) Press the [CENTER] button below the screen, the screen should go blank

Replacing the SIM Card

1) Remove the back lid

2) Remove the SIM card

3) Slide the new SIM card in the same upper slot. The chip should be facing down towards the sensor

4) Place back the lid

5) Turn on the terminal by press the green [OK]

Changing the APN Settings

1) Press [#]

3) Press [3] for Setup Menu

3) Press [2] for Communications

4) Press [4] for Wireless

5) Press [1] Wireless Access 1

5) Press [1] for APN

6) Enter the correct code below (for letters, press the corresponding number key and press [F] to cycle through)

Wireless ProviderAPN Network
Rogers Wirelessm2internet.apn (or leave it blank)
Universal SIM Cardm2minternet.apn (or leave it blank)

Ingenico iCT250 Manual PDF

Ingenico iWL250 WiFi

Ingenico iWL250 Wi-Fi setup

Ingenico iwl250 Connect to WiFi

Ingenico iCT250 configuration

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