Ingenico India Contact number

ROAM ( part of Ingenico Mobile Solutions and the leading mobile commerce platform provider, announces today that it has partnered with First Data - the global leader in payment technology and services solutions - to introduce an innovative mPOS solution into the Indian market.

Leveraging ROAM’s mobile solution and Ingenico’s global EMV expertise, First Data India has launched its own fully branded chip and PIN mPOS solution. This new mPOS offering enables merchants in India to accept payments on the go, while incorporating the unmatched flexibility, best-in-breed security, and user friendliness of ROAM’s RP750x cloud-based chip and PIN mPOS card reader.

ROAM’s unique white label solution allows mPOS players to reduce time to market with their own custom-branded payment solutions, in order to provide merchants with a powerful set of features (device management, device application upgrades, a robust and easy to use device configuration, etc.).

Verifone Contact number UK

Ingenico iwl250 Connect to WiFi

Ingenico UK number

Ingenico merchants number

Ingenico iWL250 contact number

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