EFTPOS receipt

Set the amount to be charged or refunded (depending on the TxnType). Format is d.cc (d=dollars, c=cents). Max amount is 99999.99

AmtCash (input) Datatype: BSTR Max 13 Bytes

Set the "Cashout" amount. Format is d.cc (d=dollars, c=cents). If no cash out is to be made, this property must be empty (blank).

Date (output) Datatype: BSTR Max 8 bytes

Date on which the transaction was processed. The format of this number is yyyymmdd.

DateSettlement (output) Datatype: BSTR Max 8 bytes

Indicates Date of settlement (when money will be deposited in Merchant bank account) if this is supported by the Acquirer, otherwise contains the date the transaction was processed in YYYYMMDD format.

EnablePrintSlip (input) Datatype: Boolean true/false

If set to true (1) signature receipts will be printed by the control, if other receipts are sent to your own printer queue.

EnablePrintReceipt (input) Datatype: Boolean true/false

Set to true if the EFTPOS subsystem should use the receipt printer to print its own receipt. Set to false if the Client application will take responsibility for printing the EFTPOS receipt. In this case, the OnPrintReceiptEvent must be handled by the client application.

Width (output) Datatype: LONG

The number of characters on each line of the receipt. Range 1-30.

Reco (output) Datatype: BSTR Max 2 Bytes

The client application should not interpret the Response Code property contents - it is provided as informational only. TheSuccess property determines if the the transaction was successful or not.

ResponseText (output) Datatype: BSTR Max 20 Bytes

The Response Text is associated with ResponseCode. For successful transactions this is usually Approved and for unsuccessful transactions this can be a number of texts depending on why the transaction declined. For example it could be Card Expired, Declined, Invalid Card, REFER TO CARD ISSUER, DO NOT HONOUR. All acquirers have their own response texts and should be displayed for better understanding of why the transaction got declined.

Success (output) Datatype: Boolean true/false

Indicates success or failure of a method call.

Time (output) Datatype: BSTR Max 8 bytes

Time at which the transaction was processed. The format of this number is hhmmss.

TxnRef (input/output) Datatype: BSTR Max 16 Bytes

A reference ID for the transaction. This can be used as a search term in the web reporting framework.

EFTPOS error 57

EFTPOS Receipt Rolls

EFTPOS debit

EFTPOS co za

Vend POS Kuwait

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