EFTPOS Receipt Rolls

Receipt Paper RollsOur range of high quality EFTPOS Thermal Rolls are offered to all trade and retail customers at leading wholesale prices.

Details about our paper products for cash registers, till printers, point of sale printers, kitchen printers and EFTPOS machines.

Receipt Paper comes in two types, Thermal Receipt Rolls and Bond Receipt Rolls. Below briefly explains the two types:

Thermal Receipt Rolls

Thermal Rolls are paper rolls which are suitable only for Thermal Printers.

Thermal Printers do not use an ink ribbon, instead they use heat to transfer information to the paper.

Thermal paper is specifically created for this type of printer.

Bond Receipt Rolls

Bond Rolls are paper rolls which are suitable only for printers which use an ink ribbon, ink cassette or ink cartridge.

Bond paper printers use ink to directly transfer information to the paper, you may remember the old style dot matrix printers that were commonly used during the 1980s and 1990s, bond paper printers use the same dot matrix method for printing receipts.

EFTPOS machine options

EFTPOS Central hub

Eftpos Paper Rolls

EFTPOS receipt

EFTPOS co za

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