EFTPOS error 57

Response codes are supplied by the merchant’s bank to eWAY after making contact with the customer’s card issuer.

After receiving the payment information from eWAY, your bank contacts your customer’s bank to confirm the details of the transaction (card #, expiry date, amount, card valid, etc.). Depending on that interaction, the customer’s bank will reply to your bank with a response code – this message will then be returned to your website by eWAY.

Please find below a more complete list of the Response Codes you may receive from your merchant bank, plus a description on what those responses mean.

CodeResponse TextResultExplanation00

Transaction Approved


The transaction was successful.


Refer to Issuer


The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has indicated
there is a problem with the credit card number. The customer should contact their
bank. The customer should use an
alternate credit card.


Refer to Issuer, special

The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has indicated
there is a problem with the credit card number. The customer should contact their bank.
customer should use an alternate credit card.


No Merchant

The Merchant ID is invalid, you should
contact your Bank and ensure you have provided the correct Merchant Account
Number to eWAY.


Pick Up Card

The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the
transaction and requested that your customer’s credit card be retained. (card
reported lost or stolen). The
customer should use an alternate credit card.


Do Not Honour

The customer’s bank has declined the
transaction as the credit card number has failed a security check, or the
funds have been frozen or depleted.
The customer should use an alternate credit card.



The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the
transaction as there is a problem with the credit card number. The customer should contact their
bank. The customer should use an
alternate credit card.


Pick Up Card, Special

The customer’s bank (Card Issuer) has declined the
transaction and requested that your customer’s credit card be retained. (card
reported lost or stolen) The customer
should use an alternate credit card.


Honour With Identification

The transaction was

EFTPOS providers



EFTPOS error 05

EFTPOS co za

Warning: file_get_contents(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known in /web/siggir/public_html/.sp/Eftpos/eftpos-error-57.php on line 287

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