Vend POS Kuwait

PrimeGears-store2Who: PrimeGears

What: Bodybuilding and Fitness Apparel and Accessories

Where: Kuwait

Can you tell us a little bit about how you got started and what you’re all about?

PrimeGears was founded in 2009, and now has several stores across Kuwait. We’re here to provide any apparel or accessory needed for bodybuilding and fitness. Whether that may be pants, tees, sweaters, gloves, belts, shakers, or much more, we’ve got it! And what’s important to us? Providing premium brands to our customers, because we believe high quality clothes have the best impact on athlete performance.

What’s your local community like?

Kuwait is quite a young country, so there’s a lot of modern housing and typical Kuwaiti-style villas. Because of the location and history, our population is a mix of different cultures coming from Arab, Asian, or Western nations. Being in close proximity to the dessert and seaside means we offer some great outdoor activities for spending time with friends and family.

What brought you to Vend and how have you found it? Would you recommend Vend to retailers like you?

Vend has been with our company since the very start! It’s had exactly what we need. We can monitor our inventory and sales, and it’s easy for salespeople and management alike to access. The loyalty program works really well with our customers, and the recent Ecommerce integration makes Vend the perfect solution for businesses like ours.

What does your passion come from for what you do?

One of the founders of PrimeGears is well-known in the Gulf bodybuilding world. His passion for bodybuilding and nutrition came decades before the launch of PrimeGears! We always try to share this passion on a daily basis, and use it to help our customers pick the best products to match their fitness goals.

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