EFTPOS providers NZ

Why did Verifone acquire EFTPOS New Zealand?

EFTPOS New Zealand is the largest eftpos solutions and payments provider in New Zealand, offering customers an end-to-end payment solution, including card acceptance devices, software, services and processing. By taking on a direct role in the market Verifone can provide greater access to its expertise, advanced solutions and services that add value to both merchants and consumers.

Will anything change for customers?

EFTPOS New Zealand will continue to operate under its current branding, EFTPOS New Zealand, as a Verifone company, providing terminal supply and transaction switching services. The ENZ team focused on terminal supply and transaction switching services will continue in place as we focus on expanding this business and leveraging Verifone’s resources. ANZ will continue to provide merchant acquiring services under ANZ Merchant Business Solutions.

How will this acquisition benefit merchants?

With EFTPOS New Zealand’s direct presence in New Zealand, Verifone can provide greater access to its expertise, advanced solutions and services that add value to both merchants and consumers.

EFTPOS merchant fees NAB



EFTPOS providers

EFTPOS co za

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