Eftpos outlets using a dial-up connection have been affected by the outage.

FILE Eftpos outlets using a dial-up connection have been affected by the outage.An "intermittent fault" caused connection issues plaguing eftpos terminals in northwest Christchurch.A local eftpos provider had received more than 50 complaints from businesses on Thursday afternoon."It's as widespread as from Riccarton Rd, as far north as Harewood Road near the airport, " Kiwi Eftpos managing director Steve Battey said.Battey said the cause was likely a copper line issue, meaning businesses with dial-up connections would be affected.Those using broadband would still have a connection, he said."The problem will most likely escalate this evening as many takeaway food premises open up."Many of these rely on dial-up eftpos as they do not have broadband on site."A spokeswoman for Spark said an "intermittent fault" was behind the connection trouble."It's coming in and out, it's not constant."She said the issue was affecting about 40 customers who still use a dial up connection."We've got technicians working on it."We don't believe it's just limited to Spark customers."A spokesman for Chorus said "there are no issues on our network".

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