EFTPOS merchant fees NAB

  • Per additional card reader $100.00
  • Eftpos transaction fee $0.25
  • Card replacement fee/non-return fee $350.00
  • Card reader replacement fee if not under warranty $180.00

1. To be eligible for the Business Fundamentals merchants pricing offer, the merchant must settle into an eligible NAB business transaction account.

^Includes monthly card turnover includes Visa and MasterCard transactions.

Unused included turnover expires at the end of the month and does not carry forward to subsequent months.

American Express and Diners Club International transactions are not included in The NAB eCommerce Plan and are charged as per merchant agreement with American Express or Diners Club International.

UnionPay International - UPOP transactions excluded.

MSF is based upon assumption that no more than 25% of monthly turnover is from International, Corporate or Commercial Cards. NAB reserves the right to review and reprice the MSF if your aggregate monthly turnover from these cards exceeds 25% of monthly turnover.

EFTPOS machine options

EFTPOS Machine cost

EFTPOS bank fees

EFTPOS merchant charges

EFTPOS merchant fees

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