EFTPOS providers

Eftco Limited is a New Zealand owned, family business that has been supplying EFTPOS and Payment Solutions to the New Zealand market since 2001. We are a stable business with the large majority of our team being with Eftco between 4 and 10 years.

Dedicated Payments Solution Provider

Eftco is a solution provider which has a customer base ranging from large nationally distributed retail sites such as Flight Centre & Caroline Eve to small sole trader operations like your local hairdresser. Our team regularly communicate with EFTPOS suppliers and the Payment Networks and we actively keep ourselves informed on all industry updates.

Our Customers

Our customers span from Stewart Island to Kaitaia. We are a multi branded supplier allowing us to supply the most suitable product or service to our diverse customer base all over New Zealand.

Our Service

Our Service Technicians are committed to helping your business run smoothly. That way you can focus on the important things like taking customer payments. With 14 years experience between them, they aim to quickly resolve all your problems, even EFTPOS.


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EFTPOS providers NZ

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