EFTPOS Company za

At Paycorp we like to make sure that you’re getting the most out of our products for your specific business’ needs, which is why our sales team is there for you through every product purchase and why we offer ongoing technical support for all our payment solutions. But to bring you even closer to making a fully informed decision we’ve decided to provide a comparison of the specific features across our range of point-of-sale products. As we’ve highlighted before, some consideration needs to go into selecting the right POS system for your business, because the way in which you accept payments directly affects how your business operates and how successfully it grows.Have a read through our EFTPOS solutions ZipZap and traditional POS comparison so that you can have a better idea of which one is perfect for your business.

ZipZap mobile POS

  • Supported payment methods: The ZipZap card reader is capable of processing all card payments, whether done by magnetic stripe (magstrip) cards or chip and PIN cards.
  • Communication interface: ZipZap processes payments through your smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth or a USB cable connected to your Windows Desktop.
  • Proof of payment: After a transaction, ZipZap gives you the option of sending the receipt to your customers either via SMS or email. This saves you costs since you don’t have to restock print rolls and it will help reduce your business’ environmental footprint.
  • Mobility: This is where ZipZap truly shines because it is fully mobile. Not only can you take it onto your business floor, but it maintains full functionality wherever you do business.

Traditional POS

  • Supported payment methods: Both our portable and desktop POS devices process magnetic stripe and chip-and-PIN cards.
  • Communication interface: Our traditional POS devices communicate through either an external or internal SIM, so you don’t even have to have a fixed line installed in your business.
  • Proof of payment: Even though paperless proofs of payment are great for the environment and your business’ expenses, some customers may still insist on paper receipts and you need to be able to provide them.
  • Portability: Our portable POS device simply needs to be charged and can then be used in and around your business (to patrons’ tables if you run a restaurant, for example) because it has a back-up battery.
If you’re still unsure about which POS system is perfect for your business, have a look at our EFTPOS brochure or contact us and one of our sales representatives will be in touch.


Tags: EFTPOS, mPOS, ZipZap

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EFTPOS co za

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