EFTPOS card Australia Post

Top-up funds on your Load&Go China card anytime, anywhere, with the choice of reloading online or in-store.

Reload in-store

In-store reloads are instant, so you can have immediate access to your funds.

Reload using Internet Banking

Load AUD onto your card by transferring money from your bank account via internet banking.

Just use the 'Pay Anyone' details printed on the back of your Load&Go China card.

  1. Initiate a new 'Funds Transfer' from a bank account
  2. Enter the recipient BSB: 980 222
  3. Enter the recipient account number. Use the 9-digit account number (Acc No) located on the back of your card

Vend POS Australia

EFTPOS available

EFTPOS Central hub

EFTPOS Australia address

EFTPOS jobs Australia

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