Vend POS Australia

How does the free trial work?Try all of Vend's features for 30 days or until you’re ready to activate your account. You can also continue to use Vend at no charge on the Free plan.How do I activate my account?When you're ready to activate your account and start paying, simply click the Activate button at the top of any page.Can I change plans?Sure! You can change at any time to whatever plan best suits your needs.Need a tailored solution?What types of payment do you accept?We accept Visa and Mastercard. At this time we can only accept online payments.Do I have to sign a long term contract?You can trial Vend with no commitment. If you choose to activate your account to a paid plan, you pay monthly and can cancel at any time. There is no commitment and no long-term contracts. Does Vend suit franchises?

Vend POS iPad app

EFTPOS available

EFTPOS Central hub

Vend POS Square

Vend POS Kuwait

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