EFTPOS Australia address

Eftpos Payments Australia Limited (ABN 37 136 180 366)

eftpos Payments Australia Limited (ABN 37 136 180 366) (ePAL) has practices, procedures and systems controls designed to comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles. This Privacy Policy sets out how eftpos collects, uses, keeps secure and discloses personal information collected by any means and by any technology, including through the ePAL website.

About Us

eftpos is a debit payment scheme which governs and facilitates electronic debit transactions in Australia and is trusted by consumers and merchants as a secure, convenient and efficient method of payment.

Your personal information

Personal information held by us may include:

  • Identification information such as your name, date of birth and place of work and in some circumstances driver’s licence number;
  • Contact information such as current and previous addresses, fixed line or mobile phone number, email address and social media contact information;
  • Information required for payment processing, such as eftpos transaction and loyalty program information.

If you choose not to provide certain personal information (e.g. your date of birth), we may not be able to provide you with the services you request, or the level of service on which we pride ourselves.

Occasionally, we may collect personal information about other individuals from you (e.g. member/vendor contact details). If so, we rely on you to inform those individuals that you are providing their personal information to us and to advise them that we can be contacted for further information about how we handle their information (refer to our contact details below).

How we collect personal information

We collect personal information in a number of ways, including:

  • directly from you (if it is reasonable and practicable to do so) for example, when you provide information by phone, in application forms or other agreements, or when you submit your personal details through our website (eg. for marketing campaigns, certification authority services);
  • from third parties for example from our members (which are banks and retailers and their aggregators) and from other entities that provide payment processing and related services for the purposes of the eftpos payment system;
  • from publicly available sources of information;
  • when you visit our website (refer below for details on information collected through use of our website).

Eftpos Paper Rolls

EFTPOS using iPhone

EFTPOS available

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EFTPOS Company za

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