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Verifone VX 805 EMV NFC (M280-703-A3-WWA-3)Brand New and Unlocked!!

Cables Sold Separately-USB and RJ45 options. RJ45 is standard to connect to Vx 520 terminals and USB is to connect to Point of Sale or Computer system.

The Verifone VX 805 PIN pad delivers reliability, usability and next-generation payment capabilities. The VX 805 allows merchants to process a variety of transactions - magstripe, EMV (chip card), and contactless (NFC) - all in one convenient payment device.

Compatible with:

Brand: Verifone Model: VX 805
Part Number: M280-703-A3-WWA-3 Connectivity: Cables Sold Separately-USB and RJ45 Magnetic Stripe Reader:
Integrated magnetic stripe reader
EMV Smart Card Reader: EMV level 1 and 2 compliant NFC Contactless Reader: Integrated NFC reader Display: 128x64 LCD, white backlit

Tech Notes: All PIN pads must be injected with your service provider's encryption key before they will work with your terminal/ POS system. Power supplyis required if you plan on using the contactless (NFC) option.

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