Verifone VX520 API

Manually enter credit card information or use a USB swiper. Unlike other virtual terminals that offer only manual entry, it’s your choice with PayHub.

Sales, Refunds, Voids, Auth Only and Offlines

PayHub’s virtual terminal can do more than just credit card sales. It also can perform refunds, authorizations (for delayed captures) and offline transactions too!

Set Up Recurring Bills

Need transactions on a repeating schedule? PayHub’s virtual terminal has recurring bills built-in, with wide range of scheduling options.

Track Your Customers

PayHub allows you to track each customer. Use that information to learn spending habits and contact them for personal marketing.

Customized to Your Business

It’s easy to to customize PayHub to your business. Enter default shipping and tax rates. Brand receipts with your business name, logo and address.

User Management

Give each of your employees separate logins for your account and manage their permissions.

Numbers in screenshots come from sample data and does not represent business expectations. Results vary from business to business.

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