Personalise your banking! With a MyPhoto card you can put an image of your choice on your ANZ Visa Debit card. It’s easy, free and fun

How it works

Create your free MyPhoto card in just four simple steps:

  1. Choose your image – upload your favourite photo or image or choose one of ours
  2. Design your card – move, crop or resize your image to get it just the way you want it
  3. Review your design
  4. Order your card – it’ll arrive within 10 days.

What you need

To create your free ANZ MyPhoto Visa Debit card, you'll need an ANZ everyday or savings account with a Visa Debit or EFTPOS card.


Activate EFTPOS card ANZ

EFTPOS available

EFTPOS error 57

EFTPOS co za

Revel POS iPad app

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