Verifone VX520 paper loading

If your organization wants to accept new EMV cards and accept tips, you may want an External PinPad. VeriFone has the perfect combination – the Vx520 terminal paired with the customer-facing, Vx805 PinPad. Together, you can accept EMV payments with tips, right at the point of sale. Simply enter the transaction amount on the terminal, and the customer will be prompted to enter the tip. Then, they can “dip” their chip-card or swipe their credit card, all through the Vx805 device, completing the sale. Here are the features:
  • Fully EMV capable – take EMV cards through the terminal or the PinPad.
  • Internal Ethernet (IP) connection as well as a dial-up phone line
  • NFC and Apple Pay capable. Let people pay with their iPhone or any other smartphone with NFC technology, directly through the customer-facing PinPad.
  • Accept tips directly through the customer-facing PinPad. The customer will be able to discreetly enter their tip without your input, so that you don’t have to manually adjust your sales for tips every evening.
  • The Vx805 has a customer-facing PinPad for taking PIN debit sales.

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