Verifone Ruby back office

With MyPriceBook™ Pro, you get fully featured back office software solution for a fraction of the cost of other solutions. Whether you have a single location or multiple locations, MyPriceBook™ can help you save time while increasing profits for each location.

MyPriceBook™ is an easy way to receive invoices and maintain prices without maintaining inventory and includes the POS interfaces for: Verifone (Commander, Topaz, Sapphire, Ruby), Gilbarco Passport, Namos, Wayne Nucleus, Comdata (SmartDESQ), and more are coming soon! MyPriceBook™ Pro is a full featured sales and inventory package that has all the features of MyPriceBook plus the ability to easily handle EDI invoices from distributors or prepare data for importing to Jobber accounting software packages like DM2 and The Complete Jobber; other Agri-business accounting packages like Agris and DC&H; and standard accounting packages like QuickBooks, QuickBooks Online and SAGE (MAS50/90/200). ApexBOS™ can also create an accounting interface for just about any accounting package, so contact us today to discuss your customized needs.

If your using a different retail back office software, we can often re-program your current handheld inventory computer, and our software is flexible enough to allow for easy import of your current pricebook data so you don’t have to start over from scratch. We listen to our clients and many of our current features have come as a result of suggestions from store owners and managers like you!

product-box-med Here are some of the features of MyPriceBook™ Pro:

  • Complete Pricing control for a single or group of items
  • Easily set up Mix/Match and Promotions
  • Shift and/or Daily sales reconciliation
  • EDI (Import vendor invoices)
  • Lottery reconciliation
  • Fuel inventory sales and reconciliation
  • Auditing and inventory adjustments
  • Central inventory integration for multiple location owners
  • Dual layer back up (Onsite and remote server)
  • 2Much, much more!
  • Accounting interface available to eliminate manual data entry*
  • Mobile computer integration for PriceBook maintenance from the floor*
  • **Electronic ordering

Verifone VX520 API

Verifone Polska Kontakt

Verifone Ruby back Office Software

Verifone head Office

Ingenico back office

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