Ingenico back office

Ingenico ePayments offers various ways to integrate. This ranges from an API to hosted pages. You can pick the one that fits best, based on your business context, user experience requirements, and technical and security capabilities.

Among the integration methods is Ingenico Connect, a suite of tools and services designed to make integration to our payment platform simple, fast and secure, using the latest technologies and tools that developers expect. Once integrated, Ingenico Connect’s mobile-first interfaces enable you to flexibly create an engaging consumer experience on any device.

Ingenico Connect comes with a Developer Hub. This is a central repository of information, resources, and support that developers need to integrate with Ingenico Connect. This includes full API referencing, direct access to the SDKs, test cases and best practices, and access to FAQs and support. The Developer Hub also includes a sandbox environment where developers can test and validate their results.

With Ingenico Connect, you can choose between four different ways to connect to our platform, depending on your specific needs and desired PCI scope.

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