Verifone products price

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Historically Volatile

VeriFone has been a historically volatile stock, falling to an all-time low of $4.11 in late 2008 and reaching an all-time high of $54.95 in March of 2011. Bergeron, once VeriFone’s largest individual shareholder, said he sold his shares last year.Bergeron, 55, said the competitive and economic issues in emerging markets “will sort themselves over time, ” and VeriFone would thrive with a better management team.Bergeron helped an investor group acquire VeriFone from Hewlett-Packard Co. in 2001, taking it public in 2005. Since leaving the company, he’s partnered with private-equity firm GTCR to form Opus Global Holdings and invest as much as $500 million to buy financial-industry assets and companies. Opus has made two acquisitions to date, Bergeron said. Now he sees value in looking at VeriFone again.“Ultimately, just like 2001, we saw a great brand in a mismanaged company, ” Bergeron said.

Mobile Wallet Growth

Despite recent struggles, VeriFone is expected to resume “mid-to-high single-digit” growth within the next few quarters, Gil Luria, an analyst at Wedbush Securities Inc., said in an e-mail. Over the next few years, VeriFone could see growth in terminal sales as more consumers use mobile wallets like Apple Pay, he said.

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