IPad Square POS bundle

Square today announced an inexpensive way for merchants to set up a point-of-sale system built around the company's Square Register app. Business in a Box for Square Register, starting at US$299, bundles two Square readers, an iPad stand and a cash drawer to give any business an affordable and easy to set up point-of-sale system.

Basically, all store owners need to do is provide a network and an iPad, and sign up for the Square service. The $299 "paperless" point of sale system doesn't include a receipt printer (receipts are emailed to customers), but one can be added to the system for an additional $300.

As the name implies, the entire system comes in a box complete with setup instructions. There's a 30-day return period, the software's free and Square only takes a 2.75 percent cut for letting you accept credit cards. If you have a larger storefront and take a lot of credit cards, your business can pay $275 per month for no card swipe fee.

Square pioneered the use of iOS devices to accept credit cards for payment; now they're making it easy for brick-and-mortar businesses to take advantage of their system with sleek and modern point of sale hardware.

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