Square POS WordPress

Review frequently asked questions and learn how to use Square’s E-Commerce API to accept payments online on your website.How does E-Commerce API work?Square’s E-Commerce API is payment solution that allows you to accept credit and debit card payments from your own website. Connect your website to Square with an E-Commerce API application, and without ever leaving your website, customers can securely make online purchases. Payment processing is completed entirely through Square, so you’ll never need to handle sensitive payment card data.What are the fees for Square’s API?A fee of 2.9% +$0.30 is applied to payments processed through Square’s E-Commerce API.Is E-Commerce API a good fit for my business?If you’re a Square merchant and host your own website, the API is a great option to streamline all your sales channels. We recommend working with a website developer to get set up.What kind of best practices should I follow when using E-Commerce API?How do payments and reporting work?Payments processed with Square’s API appear in your transaction history from your online Dashboard. For easy identification, payments are labeled as “Online Transaction.”Refunds can be processed from the Square app, your Dashboard, or from a Refund API. Just like Square app, payments are sent to your linked bank account following your regular deposit schedule.Note: API payments are not itemized in your transaction history.How do I get started?Can I use Card on File with E-Commerce API?Yes – you can save customer and payment information to your Customer Directory for future charges.What is a personal access token?This is a code your application uses to communicate with Square for processing payments. If you’re working with a trusted developer, you may want to share your personal access token to help create your API application, but keep in mind that you’re token is sensitive account information, similar to your Square account password.What currency will sales be processed in?Payments can be processed through E-Commerce API in US dollars only.How do I manage API access to my Square account?Once you’ve connected an app to your Square account, you can manage connection settings online:
  1. Visit in your online Square Dashboard > click .
  2. Locate the app you’d like to disconnect. Click the and confirm you’d like to revoke access to your Square account.


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