QuickBooks payroll update error 403

Line 2 is Wages, tips and other compensation.Line 2 is comprised of Total Gross Pay plus any gross pay additions (i.e., tips), any company contributions that are taxable to federal withholding, (i.e. taxable GTLI, company car), minus all pretax deductions (i.e., 125 plans and 401K).If you double-click on the total amount for Federal Withholding on the Payroll Summary report and scroll to the bottom, the amount in the Income Subject to Tax column should match Line 2 of the 941.
  • Assisted Payroll 941/944 Forms do not include GTLI amounts on Line 2. GTLI isn't taxable to federal withholding at the paycheck calculation (the Tax Tracking Type of Taxable Grp Trm Life doesn't have the taxability check mark set on the Payroll Item in QuickBooks). As a result, this doesn't get sent to the payroll service correctly for the GTLI amounts to be reported. If you see an error on your form that requires correction or amendment, contact Intuit for assistance.

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