Intuit Payroll services phone number

After your Intuit Payroll 30 day free trial, you will receive a 20% discount on your monthly service fees for six months of your subscription. After the 6 months, you will be automatically charged at the then-current fee for the service(s) you have selected, unless you cancel. Each employee you pay is an additional $2/month. Pay up to 150 employees. Enhanced includes 1 state. If you file taxes in more than one state, each additional state is currently $12/month. Sales tax may be applied where applicable. You may cancel at any time online within your payroll account (click the Setup tab then click Cancel Service) or by calling 1-866-729-2925. This limited time offer is valid for new Intuit Payroll subscribers only and cannot be combined with other offers. Terms, conditions, pricing, features, service and support are subject to change without notice.

These limited time offers are valid for new Intuit Payroll subscribers only and cannot be combined with other offers.

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