Ingenico iwl250g / GPRS

Businesses can no longer get by without accepting some form of plastic: By 2017, just 23 percent of all point-of-sale purchases in the US are expected to be made with cash, according to a study by market research firm Javelin Strategy & Research.

That means more than three-quarters of transactions will be conducted with credit and debit cards. And Europe is following that trend. Credit cards are increasingly becoming a payment method of choice.

One of the easiest options for businesses that want to accept credit or debit cards is to employ our payment services, a one-stop shop for businesses' plastic payment needs. Our payment services provide businesses the tools, including point-of-sale terminals, they need to start accepting credit cards or debit cards.

If your firm is not yet accepting credit cards, here are some of the reasons why you should consider it.

Your benefits

    Credit cards encourage buyingConsumers like the flexibility of credit cardsPeople tend to spend more with credit cardsYou can reach a wider audience

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