Ingenico IWL 250 3G GPRS

WE CAN HELP YOUR BUSINESS BECOME EMV READY EMV technology enhances the security of payment transactions by storing data on a chip embedded in a payment card. However, payment terminals must be equipped with the technology necessary to read the chip. The chip exchanges unique information with an EMV enabled terminal every time the card is used. Upgrading to EMV enabled terminals can help to better serve customers' demand for safer and faster ways to pay, giving them greater confidence to purchase from your business.
Accept Apple Pay and Google Wallet
Apple Pay and Google Wallet let customers pay for purchases through a contactless payment technology and security feature built into their mobile devices. Merchants who want to accept payments via Apple Pay and Google Wallet need to be equipped with NFC (Near Field Communication) capable terminals. Now you can use this powerful and exciting technology to boost sales. See the chart by clicking on each terminal below to see which support NFC
Protect Your Business with EMV Technology!

June Merchant Promotion:
*You will receive an Ingenico iCT220 terminal for FREE when you sign up for a new merchant account with service contract and are approved by
**You can also choose a different terminal or PIN pad and we will apply up to $200 discount towards that product.

Contact us if you are unsure if your existing terminals will be EMV compliant and receive a software upgrade or add a PIN pad if not compliant.

So what are you waiting for?
Have your merchants sign up for merchant accounts, payment gateways, gift/loyalty, merchant cash advance/loan, check, EBT, Debit and payroll services that we offer through our

Ingenico iCT250 reset

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Ingenico iWL250 WiFi

Ingenico TPE iwl250 GPRS

Ingenico iwl250g / GPRS

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