Ingenico SDK Price

  • Convenient C# wrapper around the API calls and responses
    • marshalls C# request objects to HTTP requests
    • unmarshalls HTTP responses to C# response objects or C# exceptions
  • handling of all the details concerning authentication
  • handling of required meta data
Its use is demonstrated by an example for each possible call. The examples execute a call using the provided API keys.

Structure of this repository

This repository consists out of four main components:

  1. The source code of the SDK itself: /connect-sdk-dotnet
  2. The source code of the SDK unit tests: /connect-sdk-dotnet-tests
  3. The source code of the example integration tests: /connect-sdk-dotnet-it
  4. The source code of the example calls: /connect-sdk-dotnet-examples


To install the latest .NET SDK release, run the following command in the Package Manager Console (Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Console) in Visual Studio:

PM> Install-Package connect-sdk-dotnet


To install the latest .NET SDK source in a solution, clone the repository, and add the file connect-sdk-dotnet.csproj to the current solution. On the project depending on the Ingenico Connect SDK, add a reference to the connect-sdk-dotnet project.

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