Ingenico iCT220 offline

Offering customers more options to pay helps you earn more sales and increase your client base. Pivotal Payments' processing lets you easily accept debit, credit cards and gift card payments for only pennies per transaction. Accept all major credit and debit cards, giving your customers more options at checkout.

Choose from multiple terminal configurations including countertop, wireless and integrated payment solutions, and find the one that works best for your specific retail needs.

We also provide you with next-day funding, so you can keep a healthy cash flow. With us, get your daily deposits of credit and debit card sales one to two days earlier than the standard funding cycle provides.

And to ensure you stay on top of your sales, you can access transaction reports online, anywhere, any time, with Pivotal360.

Become EMV Compliant Today

As of October 1, 2015 Visa and MasterCard requires all U.S. merchants to convert their point-of-sale hardware to accept EMV chip cards or potentially be held liable for fraud that occurs at their business. Pivotal Payments is making it affordable for you to upgrade to this more secure platform now.

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