PayWave EFTPOS machine

No longer do customers need to insert or swipe their payment card through an EFTPOS terminal when paying for goods or services. The Smartpay contactless payment solution lets merchants provide tap and go payments for their customers.

Tap and go functionality is one of the fastest growing payment trends across Australia. Busy retailers are finding that their customers prefer it, so they queue for less time. We’re finding that merchants are requesting it to reduce stress at busy times, and save on staff costs by processing payments quicker. With Contactless payments, one staff member can transact an additional 50% of payments in an hour.

How it works

Customers simply wave or tap their card in front of the EFTPOS terminal’s window in order to make a payment. As long as the payment is under $100, then the transaction is processed immediately, and with little fuss.

If the transaction is over $100 then the customer is required to enter their PIN code in order to finalise the payment.

The Benefits of Contactless Payments

Contactless payments are much quicker than swipe or insert card payments, so transitioning customers through the payment process much more efficiently. And they are secure as the card never leaves the customers hand thereby reducing the opportunity for the card to be skimmed.

Tap and go contactless EFTPOS payments provide customers with all the benefits of a faster transaction but are much cheaper for the merchants than similar credit card options.

Contactless Functionality throughout our EFTPOS terminal range

All Smartpay EFTPOS terminals include an inbuilt contactless component allowing Tap and go functionality with EFTPOS cards and also with credit cards, such as MasterCard PayPass and Visa payWave transactions.

The Smartpay contactless payment solution meets the MasterCard PayPass and Visa payWave standards, so as a merchant you’ll be processing payments easily through payWave and PayPass – all through one EFTPOS terminal.

Simple & Easy EFTPOS – Just Tap & Go

MasterCard® PayPass ™ and Visa payWave are convenient ways to receive low value payments quickly and with no fuss. This makes them ideal for processing large numbers of customer transactions at busy times.

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