Kiwibank EFTPOS machines

  • EFTPOS is a real time debit and credit card authorisation and payment processing system that provides you with immediate authorisation.
  • Our terminal solutions are provided by EFTPOS New Zealand, however you are able to purchase or lease your terminals through any supplier of your choice.
  • Kiwibank will work with you to ensure you have the right terminal solution that suits your business needs.
  • If you’ve chosen an EFTPOS New Zealand terminal, specialist installers will install your terminal and you’ll receive dedicated 24-hour support from their highly trained service team.

What next?

If you’d like to get set up with EFTPOS or transfer your existing terminal over to Kiwibank, or if you just want to chat to find out more, just give us a call or

Talk to us

Call our business banking team on 0800 601 601Kiwibank may be paid a commission by EFTPOS New Zealand. EFTPOS New Zealand Terms and Conditions apply. Kiwibank Merchant Services Terms and Conditions apply

Mobile EFTPOS smartphone

PayPal EFTPOS iPhone

EFTPOS Machine cost

Kiwi Eftpos hire

PayWave EFTPOS machine

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