Kiwi Eftpos hire

Can we help YOU with a Short Term Rental, for Eftpos both mobile and countertop (landline) models plus we also have cash registers, programmed or un-programmed from Short to medium term and longer.

Mobile Eftpos can come as an 021 GPRS unit on mains power to a completely mobile 021 solution and we can supply a back up battery kit solution for situations where there is no power available for extended periods.

Mobiles can be used for… Short term events, trade shows, market days, business sales, sports club registrations and school fairs etc. In fact anywhere you need to collect funds where no analog phone line or broadband is available.

We are also testing a custom made 027 Mobile solution for sites where there is no 021 coverage. (Please ask about this if you are in this situation)

Countertop (Landline) Eftpos – Can be either Dial Up or IP (Broadband capable) depending on your site.

(Please make sure you advise us what configuration is required)

Cash Registers are from entry level models with no programming, to programmed with your business name, address and GST number on the receipt etc. Up to Mid Range models with many products entered, and a Scanner and/or Eftpos Connected if required.

Cash Drawers – We have a limited supply of Cash Drawers for rent.

Short term hires start from “Up to 7 Days” right through to 13 weeks (3 Months). Hires longer than this, we consider to be “Monthly Rentals” and after this we have of course 3 year leases or owning your own terminal as he standard ways of businesses having a terminal for the long term.


BNZ Kiwi EFTPOS card

EFTPOS co za

Shopify POS log

Shopify POS iOS

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