Mobile Eftpos rental Wellington

Would you like some old fashioned service?
We are a company dedicated to Service and we back up what we sell.

With Eftpos Terminals – we offer Leasing or you can Purchase a Terminal.
We have a dedicated Help Desk Team available 24/7 in 2 Offices to help you with any Eftpos or POS issues, as well as 7 regional service partners spread around NZs.

We offer some great solutions for Retail or Hospitality - Please browse our solutions.

Do you want help with your Eftpos – OR to arrange a Point of Sale or Cash Register Demo?We offer solutions and support for Kiwi businesses all over NZ. For… Eftpos, Mobile Eftpos, Cash Registers, Point of Sale Hardware, Counter Intelligence Retail POS software, Serve - Café Software, Webstore software & Vend POS software plus business IT support.

Mobile EFTPOS machines small business

EFTPOS reconciliation

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Mobile EFTPOS iPhone ANZ

Mobile EFTPOS rental New Zealand

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