EFTPOS rental Sydney

If you need to hire an EFTPOS solution for a short period of time then give us a call. Not everyone wants to get involved in lengthy contracts, so we have a couple of options for those that only need an EFTPOS solution for a very limited time period.

If you're holding an auction, market, school fair, exhibition, trade show then we can provide an EFTPOS terminal for a weekend, a week, a month or for any length of time to suit. Accepting card payments can increase your sales and improves security with less cash on site. Money is paid direct to your bank account.

Our range of casual EFTPOS terminals incorporates standalone and mobile EFTPOS terminals and is supported by awarding winning 24/7 customer service and technical support. We have a couple of options that may suit.

EFTPOS merchant fees NAB

EFTPOS Westfield

EFTPOS Central hub

EFTPOS co za

EFTPOS Company za

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