EFTPOS Terminal Providers Australia

IF EFTPOS Countertop Terminal Features

Multiple payment options

The mobile terminal accepts all kinds of payments including contactless payment option for any transaction under $100 (tap), chip cards (insert) and magnetic stripe cards (swipe). Having a portable EFTPOS terminal with built in contactless technology is particularly useful in the hospitality industry, allowing front of house staff to take the mobile EFTPOS terminal to the customer at the table. In busy bars and cafes, quick contactless transactions through the mobile terminal are particularly efficient for staff and customers.

Multiple connectivity options

The mobile terminal boasts multiple connectivity options. It is set up to work on Telstra mobile network to give the best possible coverage when you’re out and about, on the move. Theterminal can also be set up to work on Wi-Fi networks too should your business be in an areas with poor Telstra coverage. There is no additional cost for the terminal to be connected as a mobile terminal via Telstra 3G or Wi-Fi.

Use anywhere

Easy to carry around or keep stationed at the counter. Having a mobile EFTPOS terminal means you can literally take it anywhere! It can roam around your business as required as well as be taken to events and trade fairs to ensure you can take payments wherever you are.

Easy to use

The mobile terminal features best in class colour touch-screen functionality with contemporary style user interface. This means the portable terminal is not only feature rich and easy to use but sleek and stylish too.

All major cards accepted

All major card types are can be accepted on the mobile terminal - MasterCard, Visa, EFTPOS, American Express, Diners and JCB.

On-screen and on-receipt branding

With the mobile terminal, your own business logo can appear on screen and customers leave the store with your brand printed on their receipts to increase brand awareness. Customers love this feature it allows the mobile terminal to become an extension of your shopfront, wherever you take payments, you can now take your logo with you!

EFTPOS providers

EFTPOS terminal benefits

EFTPOS rental Australia

EFTPOS Terminal for taxi

Ingenico terminals Australia

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