EFTPOS terminal benefits

  • Multi-Merchant Facility - EFTPOS settlement can be deposited into upto 26 separate bank accounts for individual practitioners for no extra cost.
  • Practice Management System / HICAPS Interface Solution - The entire HICAPS transaction is completed within your Practice Management System at the same time as updating patient records. Learn more
  • HICAPS Accounts Online allows you to view your HICAPS transactions and statements online and provides flexible reporting on demand. Learn more
  • HICAPS Payment & Reconciliation solution. HICAPS, on behalf of a number of health funds that are participating in our Payment & Reconciliation solution, will credit one amount on each settlement day that represents the consolidated total of all of the HICAPS claims you have processed for those health funds. HICAPS is the only health claims provider that offers consolidated settlement for all participating Health Funds
  • Medicare Easyclaim is a Medicare Australia initiative that allows your patients to lodge their Medicare claims and receive their rebates through the HICAPS terminal at your practice.
  • WorkSafe Victoria - HICAPS now allows you to lodge your patients workers compensation claims via the terminal, which are then sent to WorkSafe for assessment.
  • Quotation functionality - The HICAPS terminal provides quotation functionality that enables your patients to receive an estimate on their health insurance benefit before receiving their service. Not all health funds are currently participating in the quotation function. View full list of participating health funds in this function.
  • Contactless Technology - Allows patients to make payments under $100 without having to input their pin.
  • Broadband/Ethernet Connectivity - there is no need for an analogue phone line.
  • In conjunction with participating partners and health industry associations HICAPS is available to the following healthcare providers;

    HICAPS is suitable for:

  • Dentists - (including General Dentists, Endodontists, Periodontists, Prosthodontists, Paediatric Dentists)
  • ANZ EFTPOS Terminal declined 51

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