EFTPOS merchant fees

Merchant servicesIf you need a secure, reliable and easy way to process payments from your customers, ANZ Merchant Business Solutions has the right solution for your business.We can help you get paid anytime and anywhere, whether in person, online, or by phone, fax or mail. We offer Visa, MasterCard and UnionPay credit and debit card processing, and can arrange EFTPOS terminals, through our close partnership with EFTPOS New Zealand, and connections to either the EFTPOS New Zealand or Paymark networks.Our competitive pricing, flexible options and extensive support make ANZ Merchant Business Solutions the smart choice for your payment needs.

Why choose ANZ?

  • We make it easy
    Setting up your payment facilities with ANZ is quick and simple - it often takes just one phone call.
  • Help and support
    Our dedicated team will support you with knowledgeable, expert help, including 24/7 technical support from our preferred terminal provider EFTPOS New Zealand (if your terminal is leased from them).
  • Competitive pricing to suit your business
    Your monthly fee is based on your sales and average transactions per month - and our special discount packages for business Groups or Associations could help you save on fees.
  • Flexibility and options
    We provide acceptance facilities for all debit (EFTPOS) cards, Visa, MasterCard, UnionPay, American Express and Diners credit cards and Maestro International debit cards, as well as a range of loyalty, pre-paid and gift cards.
  • Secure
    We’ll help you to ensure your business is compliant with the latest industry security standards including the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). We'll also provide information and updates to minimise the risk to you and your customers from fraud, including our ANZ Fraud Minimisation Guidelines (PDF 172kB).
  • Expertise
    We are card payment experts. We work with you to understand your electronic card payment needs and recommend a payments solution to fit.

EFTPOS Machine cost


EFTPOS bank fees

EFTPOS merchant charges

EFTPOS merchant fees NAB

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