Eftpos Payments Australia Limited

For about three decades, consumers and merchants have trusted eftpos as a safe, convenient and efficient method of payment.

Launched in the 1980s, eftpos introduced a fast, simple and secure payment system which was rapidly embraced by both shoppers and merchants. eftpos revolutionised the way we pay for goods and services, and as a result changed the retail landscape forever.

Today, eftpos competes in an ever-changing, dynamic environment against a number of payment systems.

eftpos is owned and operated by Australians and is an essential and valuable part of the fabric of everyday Australian life.

In 2015, Australian consumers performed more than 2.3 billion eftpos transactions worth more than $140 billion at around 900, 000 eftpos terminals. It is Australia’s most widely used debit card payments system.

Eftpos Paper Rolls

EFTPOS Commonwealth Bank limit

EFTPOS jobs Australia

EFTPOS card Australia Post

EFTPOS payment limit

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