EFTPOS bank fees

We will waive your monthly fee if you:

  • Are under 21 years old;
  • Opened your account after 1 June 2010 and deposit at least $2, 000 each calendar month and from 17 October 2011, if you are 21 to 24 years old you will be exempt from monthly account fees if you deposit at least $1000 into the account each calendar month (excludes Bank initiated transactions);
  • Have your aged or war veterans pension deposited into this account; or
  • Are currently part of a Wealth Package where the annual fee is paid.

We will also waive your monthly account fee if you let us know that you are:

  • A student at an education institution located in Australia or are undertaking an Australian apprenticeship. You must show us suitable student identification.
  • Reliant on over-the-counter services because of a disability preventing you using electronic banking facilities. The exemption will apply to a nominated account.

For more details please see our Transaction, Savings and Investment Accounts General Information and Terms and Conditions, available online or from any branch of the Bank.

Interest rates1

All rates displayed in the table below are per annum.

BalanceInterest rateBalances from $0 to less than $10, 0000.00% p.a.Balances between $10, 000 and $19, 9990.00% p.a.Balances between $20, 000 and $49, 999Balances between $50, 000 and $99, 999Balances over $100, 000

Withdrawal fees

For Everyday Account Smart Access customers, each assisted withdrawal in a branch or agency or via telephone banking incurs a fee of $2.50. Also for Everyday Account Smart Access customers, each cheque written by you and negotiated through the clearing system (excluding those cashed over-the-counter at a Commonwealth Bank branch) incurs a fee of $1.50.

Non-Commonwealth Bank ATM fees

An Access Fee will be charged on withdrawals you make through an ATM of ASB Bank in New Zealand, Commonwealth Bank in Indonesia and Commonwealth Bank in Vietnam.AUD $2.00 each
  • Note: ATM owners may charge a fee, which will be disclosed at the time of the transaction. If you proceed with the transaction, the ATM owner’s fee will be debited to your account (in addition to the withdrawal amount, if applicable). You should check the ATM owner’s fees that apply carefully before completing transactions at non-Commonwealth Bank ATMs in Australia.

EFTPOS providers



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