EFTPOS machine hire Wellington

Positive Systems Limited
City Centre
Auckland City
Boost your income with an EFTPOS machine for your next event or show. Cash registers available too.
Short term EFTPOS Hire Short term Cash Register Hire Seasonal Rentals Consumab­les Sales and Service
Our services cover the whole of New Zealand.
We have a large amount of machines available for hire. It is best to book in advance to avoid disappoint­ment.
Ever lost a sale at a show because you didn't have eftpos? Gutting isn't it! For only $75 + GST you can resolve this for your next show! Book now!Had people walk out of the door of your shop because you had a que for your only eftpos machine? Why not get another one on a seasonal rental over the summer. You will be surprised at how cost effective this is!Positive Systems Limited has been established since 2005. We have a wide range of eftpos machines available for your event.We make life simple for you, we can either use your paymark merchant number or you can use one of our dedicated merchant numbers (we transfer the money into your nominated account after the event).We also operate a Trademe store where you can buy consumables, cash registers and eftpos machines. We are Trademes most trusted Point of Sale specialist with over 3000 positive feedback and a rating of 99.9%

Service seeker's checklistEmail me a reminder: Email the service providerExpires: Tue 27 Dec, 2:31 pm

100% from reviews. Great service, much better value than any other eftpos hire I've come across. Thanks Chris.Our Fishing club has used Positive for the last 2 years for special events (Fishing Competitions and Prize Giving etc) and we have always had great service (and friendly!). Having an Eftpos terminal increased our takings on each occasion and just made it easy for members and visitors to the club. Thanks!

Eftpos Paper Rolls

EFTPOS merchant fees NAB

EFTPOS reconciliation

EFTPOS Machine cost

EFTPOS machine options

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