BNZ Kiwi EFTPOS card

If you have an everyday card with us that you’re still using, but we no longer sell, you’ll find the rates for your account below.

Kiwi Eftpos cards

Jetstar EFTPOS


Kiwi Eftpos hire

ANZ lost EFTPOS card

EFTPOS co za

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Kiwi Eftpos Card Annual Card Fee (Kiwi for Kiwis donation)$10.00Withdrawals from an overseas ATM
In addition to the above, an overseas ATM withdrawal will incur a foreign currency service fee of 2.25% of the NZ dollar value of the withdrawal or purchase. The Bank does not charge a foreign currency service fee on purchase reversals (which does not include purchase refunds (on which we charge a foreign currency service fee)), ATM reversals and chargebacks, and credits a foreign currency service fee that is calculated as a percentage of the New Zealand dollar value of the reversal or chargeback. The converted amount of your Foreign Currency Transaction and the foreign currency service fee (where applicable) are aggregated in the New Zealand dollar amount and in the rate of exchange shown on your statement for each Foreign Currency Transaction.
$7.50ATM Recovery Fee
Applies to all ATM cash withdrawals and balance enquiries made at any Westpac, ASB, ANZ, Kiwibank, HSBC, TSB or Credit Union ATM