ANZ lost EFTPOS card

Call us right away, we’re available 24/7. Within Australia1800 033 844  From overseas+61 3 8699 6955 (to avoid charges please contact the local operator in the country you are in, from a landline, and request to make a reverse charge call to this number).

Get a replacement card and PIN

You should get your replacement card within 5 working days, if you’re in Australia. If you’re overseas, we can courier it to you at a cost of $50. Your PIN will remain the same. Please notify us immediately if you are concerned that your PIN has been disclosed to someone who may have unauthorised access to the new card.

Using Apple Pay or Android Pay™

If you already use Apple Pay or Android Pay, and your card is lost or stolen, we can replace it onto your phone so you can continue to make purchasesdisclaimer.

Reset Internet Banking and Phone Banking payments

Please reset any regular payments as they won't transfer over to the new card number automatically.

Provide new details for direct debits

If you have any recurring transactions set up, you'll need to contact the company who charges your card and give them the new card details.

Activate EFTPOS card ANZ

ANZ iPhone EFTPOS app

BNZ Kiwi EFTPOS card

EFTPOS co za

Lightspeed POS API

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