Install Aloha POS on Windows 7

How to install Aloha on Windows 7 server 2008 by coorsmanEnable NetBIOS over TCP/IP in the advanced properties of the Aloha NIC card properties
Disable TCP/IP version 6 on NIC used by the Aloha POS system.
Ensure that the network binding used by the Aloha POS system is at the top of the binding order list. This is accessed by opening the Network and Sharing Center and clicking Change Adaptor Settings. Press Alt to access the Advanced drop-down menu, and select Advanced Settings.
TCP/IP Media Sense
Disable Media Sense in the Windows Registry:
The incorrect use of Windows Registry Editor can lead to serious, system-wide problems that may require the reinstallation of the operating system. Use this tool at your own risk.
New registry entries described in this document are enclosed in quotation marks. Please ignore these quotation marks when adding the entry in the Windows Registry. All Registry entries are case sensitive.
1. To open the Windows Registry Editor, select Start/Run, type REGEDIT, and click OK.
2. Path out HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters.
3. Verify the DisableDHCPMediaSense value exists in the folder. If it does, double-click it and change Value Data to '1'. If it does not exist, choose Edit/New/DWORD Value and name the key ' DisableDHCPMediaSense '. Then double-click the entry and change Value Data to '1'.
4. Select Registry/Exit to exit the Windows Registry Editor.
5. Restart Windows.
Disable Simple File Sharing
Disable simple file sharing in Control Panel/All Control Panel Items/Folder Options/View/Use Sharing Wizard.
File Sharing
Add a folder to the drive called bootdrv an install aloha inside that folder, share the folder and give permissions to the share for the aloha user.
The installation application 6.4 and greater should create the share for you, but if you plan to share only a folder as BOOTDRV, then you need to create the folder prior to installing the Aloha POS system.
Disable Microsoft Data Execution Prevention
You must disable Microsoft Data Execution Prevention (DEP) on the file server. To do this, right-click on the short-cut to the command prompt and select 'Run as administrator'. Run the following command from the command prompt:
Bcdedit.exe /set nx AlwaysOff
Processor Priority
Configure the processor priority to 'Background services' by accessing the System Properties and clicking Advanced/(Performance) Settings/Advanced.
Adjust User Account Control Settings
Since the Aloha POS system does not support User Account Control, you must configure it to Never Notify in Control Panel/All Control Panel Items/Action Center/Change User Account Control settings.
Install Aloha Software
Prior to installing the Aloha POS software, restart the computer after making the changes explained in this document.
Install the Aloha POS software using the .msi file on the installation CD.
Adding Users to the BOOTDRV Share
Edit your BOOTDRV share to ensure that the proper users have read/write access to the contents BOOTDRV share.
By default, the Windows built-in firewall will not allow the FOH terminals to interact with the file server. In this case, you must either disable the Windows firewall if you are using a third-party or external fire wall, or you must configure the Windows firewall to allow the proper access.

If using a version earlier than 6.4.30 you must set up the Aloha environment varaibles manually on the file server.

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