Ingenico iPP320 Windows 8

Ingenico iPP320 is a consumer-facing payment solution designed for the retail & banking markets. This optimizes countertop retail and banking checkout with a fast, secure payment solution. It also enables retailers to accept credit and debit card electronic payment transactions that require a PIN.

When iPP320 is connected to a Citrix XenDesktop session, gets redirected and is functional from the VDA as well. To make this work, we had to add the PID and VID values of the Ingenico iPP320 in VDA registry settings and Desktop Studio

Here are the steps to add these values:

  1. Desktop Studio > HDX policy > User Policies, configure a Client USB devices redirection policy
  2. Select Client USB devices redirection rules > Edit
  3. Set to new and for the preceding Hardware ID’s Allow: VID=xxxx PID=xxxx (xxxx are device/model specific values)
  4. Apply the rule
  5. To confirm that the policy has been applied to the VDA machine, look for the following registry value:
 HKLM\Software\*Policies\*Citrix\ICA_Client\USB Allow: VID= PID= #device

On the endpoint device, check HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Citrix\Ica Client\GenericUSB, and edit the DeviceRules value to ‘Allow: VID=xxxx PID=xxxx and ALLOW: class=02 # Communications and CDC-Control

Once this is set, launch the VDA and the device would be visible on the Desktop toolbar. We had a test tool shared by Ingenico to check the functionality of the device using which we passed on few commands and got the expected results. One can follow this Citrix article to set this up.

Ingenico iPP320 has been verified as Citrix Ready Peripheral device on XenApp and XenDesktop 7.6 LTSR. For more details, visit the Citrix Ready Marketplace and check out Ingenico iPP320 today!

Ingenico iCT250 Manual PDF

Ingenico isc480 Manual

Ingenico iCT220 Driver USB

Ingenico iPP350 Apple Pay

Ingenico ipp350 Manual

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