Harbortouch POS customer reviews

I signed up with Harbortouch in 2014. My salesperson promised me the world. I was hesitant so I asked for, and received a modified agreement stating I was locked into a 6 month "Trial" and not the standard 5 year plan. I received my hardware and began using the processing in my business. As we are small boutique, the system was terribly difficult to add product. The reporting was cumbersome. The proprietary software would not interact with my normal printer, therefore reports could only be viewed on the screen. During my 6 month trial, my sales person never came back. While I could, and did call the company, their help was prompt, but the needs of me did not outweigh the needs of the company. Therefore, I elected to cease using Harbortouch. I contacted the company (since my sales person wouldn't call me and his number has no voice mail...and still doesn't) and asked to cancel.

I was sent documentation that stated I would be charged $69 per month for hardware for the remaining time on my 5 year agreement (4.5 years). I would not sign this and made several attempts to contact the company to get things sorted out. Several calls and months later, no solution. I had, however, stopped using the POS and moved onto a different provider. Harbortouch continued to charge me $69/mo for hardware and $35/mo for "basic subscription". Then my father got sick and passed away. I was out of the shop for several months. When I returned, I attempted to solve the issue again as I was tired of paying over $100 a month for a service that was horrible and I was no longer using. Again, I was told to send in the paperwork. This time, I did, but crossed off the place where it said they would charge me. Then never cancelled my account, stating they never received my paperwork.

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Harbortouch POS video

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